Orchestre Juventutti

Founded in Geneva in May 2017, Orchestre Juventutti arose out of a wish to start a symphonic orchestra that was not only fully run by young people…

Music School Radiconvento Musica

For over fifteen years, the RadiconventoMusica school has been the flagship project of the Dulcimer Fondation pour la Musique. The music courses…

Music School of Molazzana

The Music School of Molazzana was founded in 2013 as a collaboration between the Foundation and the Town of Molazzana to support music activities…

Astrolabio Association

The Associazione Astrolabio promotes cultural experiences in the social/healthcare field, supporting children and teenagers with general…

Villa Jolimont

The "music weeks" first took place on Jolimont in the summer of 1963; they were conceived by David Tillmann and his wife Regine Tillmann-…

Music Circles

The Music Circles association was founded on April 22, 2020. It realizes interdisciplinary projects for people with dementia troubles, their carers…

MusicEnsemble - Conservatoire de Musique de Genève

The Geneva Conservatory of Music has the mission of bringing music within everyone's reach.

Festival " Novembre Musical des Voirons"

The Festival Novembre Musical des Voirons (FNMV) association was established by the Associazione Promenades Musicales and is managed by volunteers…

BaBel Strings

BaBeL Strings, an intercultural orchestra composed of children and teens from Lucerne’s Basel/Bernstrasse neighborhood, was founded in 2011 and is…

La Boîte à musique

Founded in 2017 by Michela Scali and Regula Barnath, La boîte à musique proposes and runs chamber music camps in the Basel region.

Orchestre Quipasseparlà

Created in Lausanne in 2009, the orchestra consists of 60 young musicians hailing primarily from the Lausanne area, but also from the Geneva,…

Musikschule Oberland Ost

The cultural and educational mission of Switzerland’s Musikschule Oberland Ost (East Oberland Music School) is focused on the future and what’s to…

Chamber Orchestra of Basel

The Chamber Orchestra of Basel was founded by graduates of various Swiss music academies in 1984. Originally called "Serenata Basel", its…


Graubünden Youth Orchestra (J.U.S.I.) Founded in 2005, JUSI is coordinated and supported by the Graubünden Association of Music and Singing Schools…

Haus der Volksmusik

The House of Folk Music was founded in 2006 and serves as an authority on all matters relating to folk music in Switzerland. It supports and fosters…

Geneva Camerata

Made up of brilliant musicians from the younger generation, Geneva Camerata is an orchestra offering a unique, eclectic repertoire from Baroque music…